Lisa’s notes:
PDF doc
Above the fold
This is your top conversion page, and this top section is where you need to make sure you are SELLING. That means minimal distractions from images and lots of text, just focus on easy to read content that directs your visitor to click a button that gets them into the gym!
Free consult or chat
Depending on how formal you are being with your content - that will decide which ‘term’ you use ie. consult or chat
Free 5 day trial for CrossFit
Big emphasis here will be on this trial length being 5 days, free of charge. You could also talk about experiencing a day doesn’t really show you what you’re in for, so we’ll give you a week to see if we’re a good fit for you.
Drop ins
Add your daily or weekly prices in here for people who are dropping in from elsewhere.
Membership options
Majority of people clicking through here will come from other pages that had ‘Become a Member’ buttons.